Tag: Full Sail
What’s with this Bachelor’s Degree?
Well gang, this is it. Demo Reel day has come and gone, Graduation has passed, and everyone is celebrating with family and friends. Among all this craziness, I know all my classmates will do wonderful things to excel in the future, with whatever they do. I hope they don’t forget that, while they focused in…
Nuke Script : Breakdown Helper
Hey Guys! So here’s something I know you’ll like.So you’ve got this awesome script in Nuke all done up and pretty and now all you gotta do is make up breakdowns to show off to the Big Guys. So you begin going through each node, double-clicking, going into the ‘node’ tab, set key on disable,…
Finals | ANP – Full Sail
*Cue anime-style backdrop, stylized hair-do and motions with sound effects.**Cue random stage in the middle of nowhere, with head-pounding music that makes little creatures in little balls ready to fight each other tooth and nail* Well well well. We finally meet, finals department. I’ve journeyed many days to finally get here, and I get a…
APR – Full Sail
APR was a step towards a class that I was quite scared for… Animation Production. What a class, eh? Basically, the whole month (well, we did have an online class, but really, that was terrible) was dedicated to animating a character, whether the pitcher or the batter (HEY! Keep those jokes to yourself) and make…
RenderFriend – a Mac Application
Up until the past few days, I think I really hit a good one. I started this one around 10/12/2010. Check this out… What if you have a script, that sends a message to your cell phone when a render completes, without the hassle of going into the Maya Terminal and typing in “render -r…
CSF – Full Sail
Hey guys! I know it’s been a real long time since I’ve posted something new and exciting, but I assure you I’ve been super busy. I’m in APR this month, so I’m obviously behind on a few posts, and my 1am-5am lab schedule doesn’t necessarily help. Anyway… CSF, Compositing and Scene Finishing. Guys if you…
VEF – Full Sail
Here’s another class I’ve been looking forward to! Visual Effects was an interesting class, certainly a tough one… A little far stretched for the rubric. However… My only concern for the class was that I was relying heavily on google, rather than the notes I took, and there wasn’t an assigned book… If I can…
STE – Full Sail
Learning a new 3D package is certainly difficult. Learning it in a month is just as hard. Luckily though, if you already know what you’re going to do in a package, you can focus just on that area, and learn more about it later. That’s the concept that I learned with my class in Software…
ACG – Full Sail
Art Creation for Games… What started out as something that was going to be a joke to me (as being a Computer Animation student) turned out to give me a major insight to tricks of the trade. I entered the class thinking all it was was making lower resolution geometry and putting textures on for…
CAN -Full Sail
CAN was quite a crazy class to jump into. It was accelerated compared to FOA, but also having the basics down, was easy to get a grasp on. The class was very critique-heavy, and almost felt hard for that alone. Not saying any names, but there was one Studio Artist that was particularly rough on…
MOC – Full Sail
Motion Capture was a class that I certainly underestimated. Not in the fact of content, but that I didn’t realize how intuitive and dense the material was that we would be learning. The idea of capturing data through infared sensors and retro-reflective tape to transfer into 3D motion on a computer is just so amazing…
CRI – Full Sail
This should be a fairly short explanation about this class. Not because there wasn’t anything learned, but because I feel like there should be some mystery left behind what is done in the world of a Setup Artist. Their work is so…. Unseen, that nothing would be possible in the CG world without them! Yeah,…