Tag: VFX
VEF – Full Sail
Here’s another class I’ve been looking forward to! Visual Effects was an interesting class, certainly a tough one… A little far stretched for the rubric. However… My only concern for the class was that I was relying heavily on google, rather than the notes I took, and there wasn’t an assigned book… If I can…
STE – Full Sail
Learning a new 3D package is certainly difficult. Learning it in a month is just as hard. Luckily though, if you already know what you’re going to do in a package, you can focus just on that area, and learn more about it later. That’s the concept that I learned with my class in Software…
ACG – Full Sail
Art Creation for Games… What started out as something that was going to be a joke to me (as being a Computer Animation student) turned out to give me a major insight to tricks of the trade. I entered the class thinking all it was was making lower resolution geometry and putting textures on for…
CAN -Full Sail
CAN was quite a crazy class to jump into. It was accelerated compared to FOA, but also having the basics down, was easy to get a grasp on. The class was very critique-heavy, and almost felt hard for that alone. Not saying any names, but there was one Studio Artist that was particularly rough on…
MOC – Full Sail
Motion Capture was a class that I certainly underestimated. Not in the fact of content, but that I didn’t realize how intuitive and dense the material was that we would be learning. The idea of capturing data through infared sensors and retro-reflective tape to transfer into 3D motion on a computer is just so amazing…
PRM- Full Sail
PRM was definitely a change of pace as far as the modeling environment is concerned. We pretty much had to dedicate ourselves to proper edgeflow, sillouette, and knowing when and where to add geometry. Pretty much a piece of cake for me, as I’d hope by know I’m quite familiar in the case of modeling.…
CFM – Full Sail
So now we get into something I’ve been waiting way too long for… CFM! Duh nuh nahh! CFM, or Compositing Fundamentals, is an introductory class to the wonders of compositing in Nuke. Great right? This is what I’ve been waiting for, and I’m really passionate about. So let’s get into this. For starters, the class…
2DA – Full Sail
2DA – Full Sail 2DA is an interesting stretch for me. I know I’m not the best illustrator in the world, but the basis of this class wasn’t having the most talented static piece, but to create a fluid animation of drawings that held their volume, speed and over all stayed appealing. Complex drawing would…
CDC – Full Sail
CDC, known as Character Design and Creation, is the first introductory class to character modeling in Maya. I’ve made characters before, but what was great this time around was that I was actually able to understand what I was doing. Granted, the tutorials I learned from were very sparse in their expertise, and I didn’t…
MCR – Full Sail
CG Modelling – Interior Foyer The first class we really got into some modeling was MCR, or Model Creation. I was told that it was an intro to using NURB functions along with Polygon methods to create a single object, but was later changed to what you see here, to be environment creation. So, I’m…